Italian dairy tradition
made in Berlin
Mozzarella Fiordilatte Francia
Ricotta Francia
Bio Francia

This is a long history of courage and challenges that began in 1935 when Enrico Francia, like many others in that decade, decided adventurously to settle in the Pontine Planes transformed in those years from uninhabitable marshes into a fertile soil; here, in a region with a mild mediterranean climate, he started with his family a new life.

With the profits of many years of hard work and with the special enthusiasm of the post-war period, the family Francia bought in the early ’50s some vans and started to sell milk in the region becoming in a few years an important distributor in southern Latium.

Years later, in 1966, the family decided to put into practice the art of cheesemaking learned in the past decades, and opened in Pontinia a mozzarella and ricotta production plant, followed in 1987 by a second plant in Sonnino, at short distance from the first one.

So many years of successes as well as the significant market positions achieved in Italy, showed that the family philosophy was correct and that the consumers always recognize high quality products and traditonal processes. All this spurred the Company to look far beyond the country’s borders and at the beginning of the ’90, shortly after the fall of the wall, Francia arrived in Berlin.

Since almost thirty years, in the Geman capital city,  Francia produces in its modern production plant mozzarella and ricotta, from cow’s milk, also organic, according to the traditional process; furthermore, buffalo ricotta, buffalo mozzarella “Campana DOP” and other specialties are imported weekly from the Italian production plants based in Pontinia and Sonnino.

Today, thanks to a widespread network of wholesalers, the Francia products are appreciated by the restaurants everywhere in Italy and Germany as well as in many other European and not-European countries.

Thanks to the high technological level of its production plant and processes as well as to the certifications obtained, the company, with its different products and packages, has also been able to become a reliable partner for the European retail distribution and processing industry.

Commitment, perseverance, respect for tradition and spirit of adventure are the values that have linked the different generations of the Francia family all along the different phases of their entrepreneurial adventure at the turn of two centuries, on both sides of the Alps.

All this allows today the company to face with confidence the challenges of a global market.

Certified quality

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